The Locking plug-in is shareware. You may use it free for 30 days, after which time, you need to register the software by completing this form and mailing it to the author with payment.
If you register you will receive incremental updates (1.x) at no charge.
Please remember to supply an email address when registering as this is the primary means of contact for this product.
Locking plug-in may NOT be redistributed commercially without the author's express permission. Non-commercial distribution is allowed as long as this registration form is present with Compression plug-in.
Installation Instructions:
Just drop Locking plug-in onto your closed Mac OS 8 System Folder. The Finder will take care of routing it to the Contextual Menu Items folder within.
Registration Information:
Quantity:____ single user license X US$5 = $_____
No credit cards, foreign currency or purchase orders accepted.
Contact Information:
Where did you hear about this product?______________________________